Thursday, April 12, 2018

27A – Reading Reflection No. 3

Thinking, Fast and Slow

1.) The general theme of this book is that marketers should focus more on appealing to people's emotions rather than their logic and reasoning. The authors view this through a psychological standpoint through the use of heuristics and biases.

2.) This book connects to this class because it is all about marketing and appealing to emotion which is a major component to running a successful business.

3.) If I had to design an exercise based on this book, I would make an exercise that has students describe a marketing strategy example based off of each type of system 1 bias. So the students would create a situation around each type in order to develop an understanding for each type of bias.

4.) The main theme of the book was pretty surprising because it is pretty common to think that you should appeal to people's logic when trying to market something. But it definitely makes sense that people often rely more on emotion when making decisions, so that is what you should appeal to.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mark,
    By the looks of the information you shared, this seems like a good read! It sounds pretty interesting and offers some great perspectives on certain approaches. Might just need to give it a read!
