Thursday, April 19, 2018

28A – Your Exit Strategy

1.) I definitely do not plan on selling my business, at least anytime soon. My plan is to run the business and create such a strong infrastructure that I can start to back off of it after 10 plus years. At that point I will have people I trust running the business, but I will keep my baby. It would be ideal if my venture became a family business.

2.) I have selected this strategy because I don't want the foundations of my business to be watered down. I want to remain a part of it and I want to always be able to make sure things are being ran the way I envisioned.

3.) I don't know that my exit strategy has too much influence, but it definitely makes me want to build up a strong management team that can run the business the way I want them to. So, other than human capital, I don't think it has had too much influence.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mark,
    You have a great idea! If I were you I probably hold onto the business too! It's also a nice thought you have to build it up and then start to release some of the responsibility. That way you can have more time to relax and less stress on yourself. Being involved is sure to keep everything going in the right direction.
