Thursday, February 15, 2018

11A – Idea Napkin No. 1

1.) I see myself as a young ambitious man, who is looking for a way to create a business that both provides me with a living and makes the world a better place. I believe that I have above average leadership skills and I have a talent for being able to teach people more efficient ways to do things. I have been a part of many sports teams and many clubs, which have allowed me to fine tune my leadership skills. I have also done a lot of volunteer coaching that lead to me becoming better at teaching. If I started this business, I see it as something that would take over my life. I tend to become very obsessed with the things I do, which definitely helps me become the best I can be. My view is just that if I'm going to involve myself in something then I am going to put in all the effort I can. My dream for the business would to just know that I am improving the lives of many of my customers and making a healthy profit at the same time.

2.) My company will provide customers/our students with an education on how to make yourself more valuable to businesses during a time that artificial intelligence is expected to take over many people's jobs. The education will consist of ways to make yourself irreplaceable to companies and how to adapt to changing career fields and diversify your skill set. This is more than just a vocational school. Its purpose it to teach students a wide variety of skills in numerous career fields. The business will offer individual regional seminars and whole semester education plans.

3.) My customers will mostly be younger blue collar workers who are looking to make themselves more valuable in the workplace. Most of them will be leaving their first job and are looking to diversify their skills. Although, we are open to any time of customer. We are looking to help the older population as well. Any older customer with similar ambitions is welcome. We aren't expecting many students with college educations looking to work in white collar type jobs.

4.) Customers will pay us money because we will establish a reputable program that looks to improve the lives of customers. We are looking to be an easy way for people to receive higher education and diversify their skills. Our goal is to increase every one of our customer's worth, and for that reason alone, people will care about the business.

5.) Most forms of higher education looks to teach students how to work in a specific career field. My business is designed to teach people how to adapt to changing career fields. My business looks to give people the best variety of skills as possible. It is also the only education system that is teaching people to combat the loss of jobs due to artificial intelligence.

I believe that these elements fit very well together. The purpose of the business is clear and the target customer includes a very large population with a specific goal in mind. My business should have a product that will be of great interest to customers and will have a result that will hopefully improve our society. The greatest challenges will be to create an education program that will efficiently teach everything that I am hoping to teach and hiring a staff that is greatly experienced and have the specific skill that I am looking for.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mark,

    I really liked getting to read about you and learn a little more about you. I think you did a great job supporting your points with strong reasonings and experiences. It seems your skills are a perfect fit for the idea you are trying to pursue and I am confident that you can successfully accomplish this. I look forward to hearing more about this opportunity.
