Friday, February 2, 2018

Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

1.) I found my first opportunity on after searching economic current events. I believe an opportunity might exist because the article claims that over one million jobs will be lost due to the use of automated machines by the year 2026. So I believe that a company formed around the idea of guaranteeing jobs to human workers could be popular in the near future. I also think there's an opportunity to establish higher education institutions that are more geared towards preparing students for numerous job changes and how to handle it rather than just preparing them for a single career.

Any type of blue collar worker would be very interested in my first idea and any student not interested in university, but are trying to be proactive when it comes to the changes in economic trends would be customers. I think this opportunity could be easy to exploit when you're talking about my first idea because it appeals to large groups of people. Although, the second idea would be pretty difficult to exploit because I would have to establish a whole new type of education system and have it be accepted by a large group of people.

I saw this opportunity because I am a strong believer in trying to prepare and educate people for the future. I also believe in people keeping their jobs in order to support their families.

2.) After searching economic trends, I found an article that presented an opportunity on The article described how baby boomers aren't retiring due to the last recession. So I think it would be a good idea to create elderly friendly working experiences that give the older baby boomers the opportunity to work without having to stay in their currents jobs that may be too physically intensive. The company would have products that are not labor intensive and would provide that needed income for these people who were scarred from the recent recessions.

Obviously, any elderly person who still wants to work would be an asset to this business. And any consumer that understands and appreciates the cause will be a customer. I think this opportunity will be somewhat easy to exploit. The only challenge would be finding products or services to develop the company around. 

I like to believe that I come from a very hard working family, so I have a bit of an emotional connection to this. My grandpa worked very hard into his mid 70s even though sometimes it seemed overwhelming for him. But he had no choice because he's an Italian immigrant and never made much money. So I see an opportunity here to help this kind of person.

3.) I found this opportunity involving regulatory changes on It is a bit of a contrasting idea from my first economic opportunity because it's taking advantage of the artificial intelligence regulatory changes. There is so much regulation on artificial intelligence that I would want to take advantage of creating "dumb" bots. Lots of people are so afraid of artificial intelligence taking over so I believe it would be a good opportunity to create bots that are guaranteed to just do their job and have no form of intelligence.

Anyone looking for automated help that doesn't like the idea of artificial intelligence would be a customer. Or anyone looking for a very simple bot would be a customer. Anything involving bots would be pretty difficult to exploit because technology is always difficult. It would also be difficult to market the technology as almost anti artificial intelligence.

I believe that I saw this opportunity because I looked at it in a backwards view. Most people are trying to just advance technology, but here I would market simplicity. My attitude here is to look out for the welfare of human workers.

4.) I found another social trend that let to the development of an opportunity idea on The article I found states that there is an increasing demographic trend of multi generational households. I believe that there is an opportunity to develop a company that designs better apartment style type houses.

Any close knit families looking to live together would be a customer. This opportunity is very easy to exploit because the idea pretty much sells itself.

I can relate to this topic very closely because I grew up in a large tight knit family. I have seen my family renovate houses over and over because most houses today do not suit their needs. I would imagine that houses designed around housing multiple generations would definitely help out families like mine.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mark,

    I really enjoyed reading your post and I think you did a great job choosing your articles. You provided reliable sources and backed your opportunities up with strong support. I also chose the topic of baby boomers retirement age increasing. This is certainly a notable trend and I’m glad that someone else agrees with me on this. I gained more about some of the trends happening around me through this post. Thanks
