Friday, February 2, 2018

Testing the Hypothesis, Part 1

1.) Not everyone is meant to go to university, and there are other solutions to this like vocational school, but these solutions do not address the issues that may soon be facing Americans. It is predicted that 1 million jobs will be lost due to technological advances by the year 2026. So my solution is to create a higher education system that teaches students to adapt to changing fields. So it would be like a more diverse vocational school. The goal would to create a multi location chain that holds both classes and mini seminars.

2.) Who: Pretty much any person joining the work force
What: Technology is threatening to replace a million people in their jobs
Why: Technology is a cheaper and more efficient alternative for many businesses

3.) My opportunity has a pretty broad who because it could be anyone entering the workforce or anyone that's seeking this form of higher education. It just depends on the certain mindset and goals people have. It affects mostly young people looking to enter blue collar jobs. And the why should remain consistent because it's just the simple fact that companies are looking to increase their profits through the use of technology.


1. 22 year old male: He believes that my who will be very broad. He says it can be basically anybody that is looking to enter the workforce or wants this type of higher education. This person believes that the problem mostly affects blue collar type workers, so those will be the people seeking this solution to make themselves more valuable and able to adapt. Jobs in certain fields will obviously not be replaced by machines any time in the near future. So the why does range, according to this person, because machines are not always cheaper and more efficient in certain fields.

2. 21 year old male: This person believes that anyone could at least utilize my idea of seminars because it is always good to diversify yourself in case anything happens. He believes that people need to look at reality and realize if their job could be done by current technology. If so, then they should look into this form of higher education. This person's answer to the why was pretty similar because it is a shared belief that this opportunity is forming because of the logistics of using machinery.

3. 54 year old male: This interview provided a bit of a different perspective from someone that wouldn't be as affected. This person believes the who is mostly younger people who don't have the skills to compete for white collar type jobs. This person doesn't believe the what is very apparent just yet because he thinks human workers still have so much more value than current technology. So that affects his belief in the why as well, but he does believe that regardless, it is still vital to diversify your skills because you never know what will happen in your career field.

4. 22 year old female: The one female in my interviewing process believed that this issue is geared towards younger people who work in physical labor type jobs. She believes that this is becoming a real issue and could threaten a large number of people's source of income. She understands the why considering companies are in it for the bottom line, but she thinks training people to adapt to this changing trend could do real good in our society.

5. 22 year old male: This person doesn't see this as an issue quite yet, but if it does become one, then it would affect labor workers like assembly line type workers. Technology could affect the people he described and so it would be good to obtain new skills, but he believes human labor is still too important. He also believes that it would be extremely expensive for most corporations to move to a more technology based work force.

5.) After conduction my interviews, I understand that not everyone sees this as a problem that will soon affect the work force, but most people do. Most people think it is something we should be proactive about rather than reactive. So I am pleased to have found out that so most people see this opportunity as I do.


  1. Mark,

    I really enjoyed reading your post for several reasons, but mainly because it made me question my career path- in a good way. I think you’re right about jobs becoming harder to come by as the years progress due to technology. As a public relations major, though, I still feel confident because the value of human connection will never be taken over by technology. I think this is a great idea, but at the same time I feel as if there are already companies who are constantly training their workers to keep them up-to-date on technological advances, etc. I’m excited to see this progress throughout the semester, though. Great idea.

  2. Hi Mark,

    Great post! I think this is defiantly a great opportunity and there is plenty of room for success here. Your organization of the post made it clear to read and decipher your ideas and points. After reading through each of the interviews you shared, I gained some different perspectives on your idea and I now have more knowledge about this topic.
