Wednesday, February 28, 2018

14A – Halfway Reflection

1.) this course is completely assignment based, so assignments are what makes up the grade. I'm used to usually having to worry about major exams every week, so this has been a bit of a change. I have had to manage my time and pace myself, which is a skill that I have been able to fine tune. I have also had to be patient because some of the assignments are pretty time intensive.

2.) I believe this question is asking about in life, not in class, so this time would be when I tore my ACL. I definitely felt pretty defeated at the time since I could no longer play high school football, but I pulled myself together and rehabbed my butt off. I did this because I still have my whole life ahead of me and I will need a healthy knee to continue to enjoy playing the sports that I love.
I have definitely developed a tenacious attitude from this class because there are certainly a handful of assignments that I haven't wanted to do, but pushed through them anyways. Just wanting good grades and to build a great future for myself have contributed to my tenaciousness.

3.) My first tip would be to just pick a tough end goal and to stick with it. This will always push you to keep on getting your work done.

My next tip would be to always stay ahead. If you get your work done early, you will feel good and you'll never feel like quitting.

My final tip would be to know what you're talking about. If you pick something you know, you'll be more motivated and the class will be so much easier.
Image result for tenacity


  1. Just like you said, this class took some getting used to. I am also used to exam-based classes, but I like the change. However, I agree that time management is key. If you aren’t good at that, then this class isn’t for you. I also liked your tip about picking something you know about. I wish I would’ve read that tip because I don’t really know much about what I picked. That would’ve made the class easier for me. Great reflection and tips!

  2. Hi mark,

    You’re definitely a good candidate to give advice and background on this course! I’ve read several of your posts and you seem to be keeping up with the class well and understanding the assignments. I also think it’s great advice to work ahead! This course gives you the opportunity to do so and I think this will help with ensuring assignments are submitted in time and correctly.
