Thursday, March 15, 2018

16A –What’s Your Secret Sauce?

1.) First off, I would describe myself as efficient and I take pride in this because it means that I get my work done with quality and in a timely manner. It also means I am willing to make executive decisions if necessary.

I am an ultra competitive person and that drives me to be best the best in everything I do. Even if I don't become the best, I know I gave it my all.

I believe that I am a fairly convincing person, so that will help me with advertising and getting people to buy into my system.

I have had the experience of tearing my ACL, which was an extremely trying time. It taught me how to get back up when life pushes me down.

I also think I am creative and a good critical thinker, we could help me solve various problems in the future.

2.) 1st: What do you believe separates me when it comes to being an entrepreneur? "You definitely do not take no for an answer, so that helps you persevere when necessary." What skills do you believe I have? "You have a wide array of skills that allow you to adapt to many different situations" What emotions do you see in me that will help me thrive in business? "You are very prideful in your work."
I learned that this person believes that I have what it takes to be an entrepreneur. I also learned that I am apparently pretty stubborn.

2nd: What do you believe separates me when it comes to being an entrepreneur? "You're not afraid to take calculated risks." Anything else? "You are good at always finding a way to benefit out of most situations."
Here, I learned that I am good at finding profitable situations. This is definitely a good trait to have in business.

3rd: What do you believe separates me when it comes to being an entrepreneur? "After your internship, it seems that you have a strong basis of how a company runs its financials." Why do you think this is valuable? "It's always great to go into something with prior knowledge." What emotions do you think I have that will benefit me? "I know that you at least poor your heart out into everything that you do."
This interview taught me that, he thinks I am qualified to try starting my own business. It's also good to hear that he believes that I have a lot of heart.

4th: What do you believe separates me when it comes to being an entrepreneur? "You know how to handle conflict very well." How do you think this will help me? "In business, there is always going to be arguments over ideas and it's useful to find a happy medium."

5th: What do you believe separates me when it comes to being an entrepreneur? "I'd say you have a mind for numbers, which will definitely help you on the finance side." Any emotions? "You are very caring and so you'll take good care of your employees and customers."
This interview didn't teach me too much, but it's nice to know that this person saw me as caring.

3.) I see myself as very hard working, and so do others. People see me as manipulative, but I think that's a good thing when it comes to business. I'd say there's some slight difference, but it's mostly the same. The differences are mostly caused be people not knowing my motivations or how I feel about something. I'd probably agree that they are mostly correct. I am pretty content with my list.


  1. The human capital you have should get you far upon graduation. Being convincing is a hard trait to come by. I have torn my ACL, so I know how hard that is. It’s great that you didn’t let it keep you down. Another thing I think is important is that you are good in the finance department. That is my biggest problem because I’m not that great at math. This was a great post!

  2. Mark,

    I really admire that you are a competitive person because I am not. I tend to avoid competition because I am afraid of losing, so instead of using that as drive to win it actually tends to shut me down. This is a really good quality in entrepreneurship because you’ll never allow anyone to piggy back off of any of your ideas and you won’t take no for an answer!
