Thursday, March 29, 2018

23A – Your Venture’s Unfair Advantage

  • My first resource would be my extremely competitive nature.
    • This is valuable because it forces me to want to be the best and nothing will stop me from obtaining my goals. It is rare and hard to copy because it is not a quality that you can really just learn. There is not really another human quality that can replace this mindset other than tenacity.
  • I believe that I have assembled social connections that are very valuable.
    • Who you know is extremely valuable in any field you work in. It is definitely rare to know the right people and it can be copied, but it is very difficult to know the right people. This also makes it very difficult for others to provide this resource.
  • I have a skill in teaching that is vital to this business.
    • Teaching skills are more than just valuable in the education industry. I believe my experiences have helped me develop this skill and so that will be difficult for others to emulate. Others can offer this, but not many. 
  • My creativity will help me develop a way of teaching what I want to teach in a way that is done by no other school. 
    • This idea will be of extreme value because it will differentiate us from the basic technical school. It is rare because its our own system and should not be able to be copied. No other school will do it exactly how we do it.
  • My idea of teaching how to diversify skills is vital to my business.
    • Expanding student's skills will help them combat changing fields and the increase of artificial intelligence. This is a rare goal for any education system. It can be copied, but it is not an established method. 
  • Knowing someone in the investing industry will give me the opportunity to mold my company around what my customer's value.
    • It is valuable to understand customer preferences. This probably somewhat of a rare connection, but it can obviously be replicated and provided by others.
  • I have the ability to sell my ideas to people.
    • This is valuable when it comes to establishing and selling your idea to others because you need other people to buy into the company. This is probably a rare ability and can be copied, but not in the exact same way. So others cannot offer this exactly the same.
  • Being a finance student will be beneficial when it comes to financial capital. 
    • It is as valuable to understand your companies finances and how you're going to finance your idea as it is to understand anything else. This ability isn't all that rare and can definitely be copied. So it can be offered by others.
  • My mission to improve the lives of others and to have a system more about the individual is something that separates my idea from current established systems. 
    • I believe this idea is very valuable when it comes to accomplishing my goals. It is rare and I don't believe others will be able to mimic the way I do this. Therefore, this can not be offered by others.
  • My outlook on efficiency is a form of human capital that I highly value.
    • Efficiency is extremely valuable when it comes to get things done well but in a timely manner. I think my mindset may be a little rare, but it is not hard to copy. 

The focus on the student and how to diversify their skills would definitely be my most valuable resource that separates my company from other educational institutions. It's easy to get lost in the mix at a lot of other places, but this focus will make it certain that students will improve themselves. This resource will also improve the lives of our students because they will be well equipped to change job fields and adapt to any new situation or environment. 


  1. Mark,

    You mentioned some really great resources in this posting. The first one stood out to me immediately because I am not competitive whatsoever. This however is very admirable because it does get people far and it also is a quality for tenacity, which we talked about earlier in this class. I also think it is a great resource that you are able to teach. Most people do not have the patience to teach, but rather lecture, so this is also admirable.

  2. This was nicely done! You have some great skills that will be very beneficial for you in your future career. I like that you are good a teaching. Many people have difficulty communicating how they want things done so that will come in handy. I also admire that you are good in finance. I am horrible at it and wish I had that as a skill. I enjoyed reading your post, you have a great advantage!

  3. Hi Mark,

    You crafted a great set of resources for your company. You incorporated some of the most essential and key components for a successful company. The organization of you post made it easy to read and understand your reasoning behind each point. I believe the point you made about how you will differentiate yourself was strong and logical.
