Wednesday, March 21, 2018

19A – Idea Napkin No. 2

1.) My name is Mark Midkiff and I am a tenacious worker who is extremely competitive and wants to be the best I can be with everything I do. I believe that I have tons of leadership experience and I mostly excel at leading by example. I have been team captains and have done coaching, which has helped me become a better teacher, as well. I know that if I started a new business, I would become absolutely obsessed with it because that's the way I am with everything I put my mind to. I would want for this business to change people's lives while also bringing in a large profit for me and my family.

2.) My plan is for my business to provide our customers/students with an education that will increase their value in work place environments. We want to diversify their skills and make the irreplaceable. This will help customers adapt to changing career fields and battle the trend of increasing artificial intelligence in the work place. My business is mostly geared towards blue collar workers because they are mostly the ones affected. I consider this to be more than just a vocational school because our purpose is to teach students a variety of skills rather than specific skills for one field.

3.) My target market are is mostly younger, blue collar workers who likely don't have a college education. These students could possibly be changing career fields and realizing they need to diversify their skills. But we are also looking to help the older population looking to make themselves more valuable than artificial intelligence alternatives.

4.) Customers will want my service because we will establish a reputation of a company that looks out for the best for our customers/students. We will be known for increasing our students' values and changing their lives for the better. We will be the easiest alternative for students to obtain a higher education.

5.) We offer a program that is different than any other form of higher education because we do not look to teach students skills in one particular field. We will have multiple forms of education as well to convenience our different types of customers. For example, we will have classes for full time students and seminars for those with jobs and limited time availability.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mark,
    I enjoy reading a bit about your background and why it is that you feel you are eligible and capable of creating and successfully running your business. Leadership experience will definitely majorly aid you with managing a company. I also feel like you have a solid plan of action for your idea! I look forward to reading more about your ideas
